9. Model order reduction for bifurcating phenomena in Fluid-Structure Interaction problems
Authors: M. Khamlich, F. Pichi, G. Rozza
8. An artificial neural network approach to bifurcating phenomena in computational fluid dynamics
Authors: F. Pichi, F. Ballarin, G. Rozza, J. S.Hesthaven
7. A successive partition method for the efficient evaluation of parametrized stability factors
Authors: F. Pichi, F. Ballarin, G. Rozza
6. Driving bifurcating parametrized nonlinear PDEs by optimal control strategies: application to Navier-Stokes equations with model order reduction
Authors: F. Pichi, M. Strazzullo, F. Ballarin, G. Rozza
5. Reduced order models for the buckling of hyperelastic beams
Authors: F. Pichi, J. Eftang, G. Rozza, A. T. Patera
4. Efficient computation of bifurcation diagrams with a deflated approach to reduced basis spectral element method
Authors: M. Pintore, F. Pichi, M. Hess, G. Rozza, C. Canuto
Advances in Computational Mathematics, 47:1, 2021
3. A Reduced Order technique to study bifurcating phenomena: application to the Gross-Pitaevskii equation
Authors: F. Pichi, A. Quaini, G. Rozza
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42:5, B1115-B1135, 2020.
2. Reduced basis approaches for parametrized bifurcation problems held by non-linear Von Kármán equations
Authors: F. Pichi, G. Rozza
Journal of Scientific Computing, 10.1007/s10915-019-01003-3, 2019.
1. Reduced basis approximation and a posteriori error estimation: applications to elasticity problems in several parametric settings
Authors: D.B.P. Huynh, F. Pichi and G. Rozza